Not too many people can claim to live in the Garden of Ede'n......
Ede & Gerald, that is! This is my parents' garden. Most of the pictures featured here are from spring 2006, but there are a few from early last summer, 2007. I hope you enjoy the garden as much as our family does!
Spring and early summer pictures.
A yellow Lady Slipper growing wild in the yard.

The flowers are just beginning to fill out, and everything is a lovely shade of green,
as we look up the garden path toward the house.

A place to sit and rest for a while, and enjoy the view.

...and a home for little visitors

The scent of lilacs fills the air!

Beautiful shades of purple growing beside brilliant white lilacs.

Zooming in for a closer look!

Just a little glimpse to get us started!
Thanks for visiting the garden of Ede'n Gerald! I'll be adding more pictures, so come back soon!