Garden of Ede'n Gerald June/08

I hope you enjoyed your visit to the garden. ~~~Deb

Tour Tuesday- The Forks

While at The Forks, we took a boat ride. First they took us down the Assiniboine River and stopped at points of interest along the way, and gave a little bit of history at each stop. Then we went back the other way, where the Assiniboine meets the Red, and once again, stopped at historical sites. We also passed by the Paddle Wheel Queen, which is a boat that Brian and I would like to take a ride on sometime.

The Manitoba Legislature

The Golden Boy on top of the Legislative Building

Louis Riel Statue

The Paddlewheel Queen

The Paddlewheel Princess

Jerry driving the boat!

Danny's turn at the wheel!

And Justin's turn to drive.

View from the bridge

Looking down at the boat docks

The Hotel Fort Garry

Pretty good lookin' fella!

He looks so scared! hahaha

And that's all folks!

I took the following information from some pamphlets we picked up:

The Forks is rich with the history of people who came here to meet. Originally, the site was a hub of activity for Aboriginal people who came to hunt and trade. Traders, immigrants and explorers followed, all marvelling at the beauty of the two rivers that serve as the anchor and backdrop to the site.
Located in the heart of Winnipeg, at the junction of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, The forks is now an open and inviting expanse of riverside property where lush greenspaces mingle freely with unique shops, restaurants and entertainment.
The Assiniboine River begins a 960 kilometer journey west from Saskatchewan to The Forks, meandering as it goes. The larger Red River begins in North Dakota, U.S.A. and empties into Lake Winnipeg to the north, a distance of approximately 800 kilometers and a drop in elevation of 60 meters from the international border to Lake Winnipeg. The two rivers converge at what is called The Forks.

I hope you enjoyed my little tour of The Forks in Winnipeg.

Have a nice day! ~~~Deb