Garden of Ede'n Gerald in October

 These pictures were taken at my parents' home....also known as The Garden of Ede 'n Gerald. It was early evening, and the light wasn't the best, but the colors are still very nice.

Fall colours
Fall Colours
Fall Colours
Fall Colours
Fall Colours
Fall Colours
Fall Colours Hope you enjoyed your visit!

Autumn Leaves

The sun looked so pretty shining on the colored leaves, I had to run out and take a few pictures.

I love autumn, but once those leaves start falling it doesn't last long, so enjoy it while you can!

Skywatch Friday

A Manitoba Sunset.

For more photos, go to Skywatch Friday.
Have a nice weekend! ~~~Deb

Bloomin' Tuesday

These pictures were taken this past Friday in my parents' yard. My Mom's favorite, Joe Pieweed is still blooming, even though much of the garden is ready for autumn.

One of my favorite spots in the fall is this border. I've taken some beautiful pictures of these red maple trees over the years. This was a quick stop, and I left the picture taking up to my husband, so I don't have much to show this time!
But Here's my son, showing off the beautiful red leaves he collected. As you can see in the background, the leaves are falling fast!
On Saturday, the garden was to be the backdrop for a wedding. I'm sure the pictures were beautiful!

For more garden photos, visit Jean at Bloomin' Tuesday.

Sky Watch Friday

We have had so many beautiful sky watch days, it's hard to choose a photo, and of course a picture doesn't ever capture exactly what we see! The wispy clouds among the fluffy ones were moving quickly with the wind, and the sun was breaking through at the same was very pretty!

I didn't even notice the birds until I looked at the photos later.

Hope you enjoyed my Skywatch. For more photos, visit Sky Watch Friday.

Bloomin' Tuesday

Early in the spring, at church, our boys were given little flower pots with a sunflower seed in them. This is the only one that made it to the outdoors, and it has grown far beyond our expectations! Had I known it would actually survive, I probably wouldn't have planted it so near the house! Being right below an eavestrough that regularly overflows when it rains has kept it well watered!
There is a second head, but it's bowed way down to the ground!
Aside from the sunflower about the only real color right now is the petunias and marigolds.

Thanks for stopping by! For more garden photos, visit Bloomin' Tuesday.

Skywatch Friday

Welcome to Skywatch Friday!

1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Click on the link for more skywatching.
Have a restful weekend! ~~~Deb

Bloomin' Tuesday

My husband took these pictures on Saturday, while we were visiting at my parents' home. He said he didn't find much that he thought was worth taking a picture of, but I thought he got some good ones. I know this first one isn't a 'bloom' but I have never seen so many apples on this tree before! They are crab apples, but very sweet.
I like this one of the bumble bee on the Joe Pieweed too.

Joe Pieweed is one of my mom's favorites.
The hostas are still beautiful too.
And here is the reason Brian was taking the pictures and not me. He saw four or five garter snakes while he was out there. Please don't tell me they are harmless....people die from heart attacks.
For more lovely garden pictures visit Jean at Bloomin' Tuesday.
Thanks for stopping by! ~~~Deb

Bloomin' Tuesday

August is not my favorite time of year in the garden, but there are still some nice blossoms to be found. My favorite is the white almost glows in the evening!

Blogger isn't cooperating, so it took many tries to get just a few pictures uploaded. I hope you enjoyed the short tour of my garden this week.

For more flower photos go to Bloomin' Tuesday.

Come by again soon! ~~~Deb

Bloomin' Tour Tuesday

These pictures are from my parents garden, yesterday, August 4th. 

This post is part of Bloomin' Tuesday as well as Tour Tuesday. So go ahead and check out both. I'm not sure how busy Tour Tuesday will be as the owner had taken a summer break, but hopefully it will get going again.
Thanks for stopping by!

Bloomin' Tuesday

It's Bloomin' Tuesday again, and first up is my Yellow Rose.

I thought my Evening Primrose had disapeared, but here it finally showed up!
I love delphiniums, but they tend to flop over with a little wind or rain, so I'll have to start staking them.

I don't remember the name of this yellow flower, but I love it....I'm partial to yellow! The one drawback to digging truckloads of perennials from my parents' garden, is I don't always have time to get all the proper names!
Of course the lilies are blooming.

I'm not sure how this Echinacea ended up here...I'm sure I didn't mean to plant it there.
One of my favorites, Lavatera. Because I have to cut it back after it blooms, I've planted Yarrow in front, so it won't look so bare, while I wait for new growth.
My Lavatera are huge this year, with all the rain we've had.This is taken looking down from my deck. It's just starting to bloom, but is covered in buds.

And of course my yarrow hedge is still in full bloom, along with a few other flowers and alot of weeds!
Notice the pile of weeds.....I really have been trying!

For more pictures of my yard, scroll down to the next post. To see some more Bloomin' Tuesday posts, visit Ms Greenthumb Jean.