Reflecting On 2010

 Last year I wrote a post looking back on the year. I used a format similar to one I saw on another blog. I thought I'd continue the tradition this year.

1. What were the highlights or accomplishments?
  • Watching Brian turn a money pit into a beautiful house!
  • Finding a home school method that works for our family
  • A renewed relationship with our daughter and her family
  • Hearing a long awaited decision concerning our foster daughter
2.What were the major themes?
  • Stress!
  • Long hours of work
  • Waiting for other people to make life changing decisions for our family
  • Making our own life changing decisions  
3.What disappointments or regrets did you experience?
  • Not having enough free time to just enjoy our family
  • Not having some issues resolved in a satisfactory way
  • Gaining back much of the weight I lost at the beginning of the year!
4. What was missing from the past year?
  • Fun and relaxation!
  • Time with family
5. What did you learn from the past year?
  • I know even less this year than I thought I knew last year and the year before. But God knows, and I need to spend less time stressing and more time trusting!
  • I'm lousy at maintaining a healthy lifestyle....but then I already knew that!
  • If at first you don't succeed, try, try again....yup, knew that too.

We look to 2011 with anticipation and thanksgiving!

James 1:2-4 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

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