It was the end of another year, and though uncertainty about our foster daughter's future remained, other matters also occupied my thoughts...Even when we're living in limbo the world keeps on spinning, and the rest of life and all that entails continues on.
I'd come across the idea of making a year in review post, reflecting on the highlights, regrets, or what I learned. This is a short excerpt from that post.
From my blog:
December 31, 2009 Reflecting on 2009

When I was finishing writing my book, "Stepping Stones Along My Journey," in 2008, I kept thinking, "Maybe I should wait; surely I'll be wiser next year! I've experienced so I really have anything to say that's going to be a help to people?" I find myself feeling that way again, or perhaps, still........feeling that at the age of 51, surely I should be wiser, life should be simpler, the future clearer, more settled. 2009 has been a difficult year in many ways.....uncertainty about our foster daughter's future, some health issues for myself, Brian and Jerry, Mom and Dad's move from the farm, Dad's deteriorating health, and finally his recent death, but the most difficult has been an ongoing uncertainty about God's direction for our lives.
But 2009 also had some wonderful highlights, such as the birth of three more grandchildren!
In spite of all the ups and downs of this past year, God has brought us through all the rocks and rubble on the road. If we just keep our eyes on him, he’ll lead the rest of the way. I'm so thankful that I don't have to know what is around the next curve in the road, I just have to trust the one who does!
Looking forward to 2010!
Psalm 25:9 & 10 The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way. All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies.
Continued...Part 20
You can follow the series here: Our Foster Adoption Story
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