Promises From Psalms; Psalm 34:8

This week's promise comes from one of my favourite verses.

Meditating on God's Promises From Psalm 34:8

Our 1962 House; Planned Renovations and Tour

We've been living in our home for almost a year, and we've spent the winter figuring out what renovations are needed and prioritizing what needs to be done this spring and summer.

A video tour of the main floor and planned renovations

Promises From Psalms; Psalm 33:18

This week's Promise From Psalms:

Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; Psalm 33:18

Meditating on God's Promises From Psalm 33:18

Spring Brings New Life: My Testimony

35 years ago Jesus Christ became my Lord and Saviour.

My testimony of salvation isn’t a flashy one. In fact, it happened rather quietly, as God used the prayers of many people, and the words and testimony of a few to bring me to a saving knowledge of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Once I came to believe, 'God is' and began to seek him, God honoured his word by revealing more to me.

Promises From Psalms; Psalm 33:4

This week's Promise From Psalms.

New House Tour; Exterior Improvements

Welcome to our new to us 1960s home.

About 9 months ago we moved to what we hope will be the home we will spend our retirement years in. We'd been planning and preparing to downsize for a few years, and when our daughter and her family moved to a small town about 20 minutes away, we decided it was the perfect place to retire.
Later this month, I'll be sharing a tour of the interior of our house along with some of our planned renovations. But first I'll share what we've done so far.

1962 home- outdoor renos; fence and deck, with photos and video

Promises From Psalms; Psalm 16:11

This weeks Promise: 

Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Psalm 16:11 

Meditating on Promises From Psalm 16:11

Planning For Spring; Celebrating New Life

Are you looking forward to spring as much as I am?

Most years, March is a bit of a blah month here and we're more than ready for winter to be over! The official date for spring falls on March 19st, but some years it seems that winter didn't get the memo. The odd year, spring comes early, but more often than not, the snow lingers or winter gives us one more snowstorm. There have been years I felt like we were living in Narnia where it's "Always winter, but never Christmas!" 

But no matter how barren our surroundings, new life is waiting to appear.

The perfect time of year to make plans for spring, and be reminded of the promise of new life.

Promises From Psalms; Psalm 27:14

Wait, I say, on the Lord.

 In the trials of my life, you call me to a quiet place.

Psalm 27:14 Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.